Not just a “Hi, How are you,” person


First of all. Wow! Time just keeps flying by! End of October already. As most of you who are probably celebrating halloween. I don’t personally so I don’t have anything to say about the topic haha. But have fun!

Anyways so I just wanted to do a quick writeup of how I choose to not be that, “Hi, how are you,” type of person. Seriously how many are out there who are like this. First a little background of these type of people. People who ask this question but don’t really care about the answer. I have tried to answer honestly before but the person would just keep walking away when they asked this or move on to talk to closer friends and whatnot. I personally prefer to find out the real answer then the usual response, “good, and you.” And the other person replying back, “good too.” Then the end of conversation! How boring is that?

I have had way too many of these types of people and conversations in my past and since coming home from my Katimavik experience, I prefer to just be myself. I don’t want to waste half my life with meaningless conversations. I want to spend time with people I care about etc. Of course I am still up for meeting people and have had some great conversations in the past with some people that I’ve met for the first time.

So my suggestion of the day is to strike up a wholehearted conversation with someone that you honestly want to know how their doing and such. Why waste your time being fake when you can just be genuinely yourself.

Percy S.

Embarassment to me


This poem I wrote awhile ago is total cheese and corny as can be but I’m going to post it up anyway.


 All my friends

Tell me you don’t exist

It’s all in my head

There’s no such thing as


No knight in shining armour

To whisk me away

Maybe they’re right

Why am I waiting?

For something that isn’t real

It has been extinct for so long

Now dead and gone

Yet there’s a flicker of hope

Burning inside me

These secrets are deep within

Not a word spoken out loud


To cross the minds of those

Stubborn in their thinking

Already declared

That Chivalry is dead

I believe differently

Not wishing



That it happens

You will be with me


 Percy S.

p.s. I believe you don’t just stop loving someone. Love lasts. A crush is just a fleeting moment. You won’t always “feel,” that you like them all the time. Just like family, you will be anored, come to a disagreement, not “like,” them some moments but you will always love them and there will always be some good times with them. Although I’m yet to experience love with someone I choose to stay with. Personally I don’t see a point in bouncing from one relationship to another.

I think it begins with a spark and then it’s your choice to be committed. There’s no such thing as falling in and out of love. You may argue with me, go ahead because these are just my thoughts. I don’t impose my beliefs or thoughts upon anyone, it’s ultimately your own choice. The ultimate decision is up to you even if you do get influenced by family, friends, people at work etc, The choice is yours.

Laughter is my drug


Laughter is the best medicine. So true. My version of this sentence is Laughter is the best drug and my favorite! haha. It’s what keeps me going. Lately I have been stressed about many things and just plain worried! I didn’t realize it till yesterday when my mom asked if I have been laughing much, then I got to thinking. Wow I have only been reserving laughter and fun on fridays but the rest of the days have been mostly studying and doing school work. Even at lunch times I go to the library right after I eat to study and whatnot… checking my facebook during a break lol. Anyways Balance living is still something I have yet to achieve and it is definitly a goal on my list. Last year I had focused on having fun with friends pretty much constantly and did poorly in classes which is why I wanted to dedicate my time this year to school and have my main focus on it. But Balance is the Key!

Remember to laugh! Don’t take things too seriously and enjoy life, which was usually what I was about until recently. Thank goodness for the reminder. I think we all need to be reminded from time to time to breath, relax and just “Lighten up and live,” which is what Ken Davis would usually say, I think on VOCM Christian radio. I always hear that quote whenever my mom is listening to the radio.

So stop what you’re doing and LAUGH!

Percy S.

p.s. I even wrote on my calendar everyday this week in huge bold letters Laugh!

~Romans 8:28 “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

This verse has been a reminder to me. For the past few days, I’ve been believing the oppostite of this verse because I feel like I haven’t seen this recently but the thing is, God sees the bigger picture and I only see pieces of what’s going on in my life or in others. I don’t see the full scenery and this verse is true 100%. Faith is believing not seeing.

Be open-minded


Be open-minded. If you stay close minded about your own opinions then you will never learn to understand the other side of things/ the other person. The beginning of understanding is to know that your opinions are not always the right ones.

Lamentations 3: 44

“You have covered yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can get through.”

Percy S.

Chats with good friends


Just wanted to share that I had some good chats with friends this week especially today. I love having a good chat. Makes things clearer in my head and when I feel a little down, it helps. I enjoy quality time with people, a nice long chat about how my friends lives are going and sharing how things are going with me really makes my day. “Time,” is one of the best things in the world and should be cherished more than it is. Don’t just “get through,” a day but enjoy it. Cherish time spent with people you care about. Time is something that cannot be taken back so spend it wisely.

Percy S.

Give what you can


Give what you can give. It could be a gift, a word or note of encouragement, a hug, a smile, your time etc.

Sometimes people want to give but you must remember that gifts and money are not the only things you can give. Give someone a compliment, write a note to someone, give someone a hug who might really need one that week. A smile is the best thing to pass around. And my ultimate favorite is give your time. I have to admit that Time is definitly one of my “love languages.” I love giving time and when my friends take the time to hang with me, makes me feel loved 🙂 Anyway today I volunteered at my church with a kids group and it wasn’t what I expected. All I can say is that it was intense. A lot of troubled kind of kids but really sweet too. Giving your time can be one of the most rewarding things in life. I find it feels fulfilling then buying myself a new dress or jacket or whatever. Money cannot buy fulfillment in your lives, the best way to have meaning in your life is “giving.” It gives me a sense of joy personally then something that makes you happy for a moment, but giving is something that lasts a lifetime. I probably worded it a bit weird here but I think you can catch what I am trying to say.

So my suggestion of the day is to “give,” to someone.

~Percy S.



“Age is only a number, you are as old as you feel.”

I love that quote. It is really true. Some who are older may act younger then there are and some who are young may seem older because of past experiences. Everyone has such different lives yet we can still relate to each other with similar experiences and interests. Life is so fascinating! I love it!…. have to admit not all the time but there are some days where I just Love it! Love breathing in air, drinking water, the feeling of running and a heartbeat. Life is just amazing!

Percy S. (I am in a happy mood which equals to an odd blog haha)



Sometimes you can only take it one day at a time.

Just remember to Breathe and take it one step at a time.

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, he’s got it under control. Just trust in the Lord with all of your heart and he will carry you through.” Sixpence none the richer song as well as a verse in the bible

Percy S.

The things that make you stronger


Running away is so much easier then facing it. And I admit that I would rather choose to run then facing situations but of course you just got to face the hard stuff because it will just end up chasing you. I have to say that I like to be in control. Once one of my closest friends always had said, “I love changes.” Changes from different hair styles to trying new activities to piercings etc. One day I told him, “You like changes that you can control.”

It took me awhile to realize that this is the same thing as what I do. I had thought I had my friends all figured out but the thing is I am that way too. I like having everything figured out and having control. And I start backing away from close friends when I realize that they have me pretty much figured out.

Anyways for the past few months, everything in my life has been the total opposite of what I deemed normal. Family situations, questioning my beliefs now and then, where was I going to be in september. I had alot going on and none of it was in my control. Currently I am learning to be content with just how things are as well as giving it to God. The thing is there will be situations where you will not be in control and the way you act towards it reveils somewhat of your character I suppose. I’m learning how I act towards something I have zero control over and to some it may be easy to just be okay with it but it depends on what the circumstances are. I hope you understand somewhat of what I am trying to convey. I would rather get personal in person.

I like thinking about things and making others think.

Percy S.

p.s. My apologies for not writing in my blog for the past few days. I just really felt like I didn’t have anything to say for a bit. Anyways have a good day and don’t forget to question about things/ life/ God etc.

“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.”

A random story in my life

I am quite an abnormal christian, well at least I think so. One time back in March or April while I was on MUN Christian Fellowship exec as Large Group coordinator I was asked to tell my testimony. I had never done so before and told my testimony to the president before the week I had to speak in front of 40 + people… can’t remember how many. Telling your testimony to one person is so much easier then speaking in front of a large group about personal things in your life. It was the single most hardest thing I have done in my life! I am usually a person who loves meeting new people and telling funny stories to a large group of people but I am not good at talking about personal stuff unless its one on one or a small group of people. The night of my tesimony, actually right when the president of MUNCF called me up front I wanted to run away. My bestfriend told me I would be fine and she practically had to convince me to not leave. I was ready to boot it out of there and run home. I’m being completely serious, I was ready to just leave without speaking but somehow got courage to tell my story. It was hard but I’m glad I did it and now lately I just want to hear everyone’s testimony. I love hearing about people’s stories especially people that you know. It’s so interesting!

Go ask a friend today what his or her testimony is and how they became a Christian. I’ll bet you will hear something you wouldn’t have expected from them. You can learn a lot from people.

Burn those lies


I just realized something that had happened yesterday that really made me think. Okay to some of my friends, they know how paranoid I can get about things. Overthinking things is something I have an issue with… I like to call it my “philosophical mind,” but well I tend to stress when there’s no need too.

So the other day, a few friends were upset and thought everyone hated them and that they do everything wrong and mess up everything all the time. WHICH IS SO UNTRUE! And the thing is, I think like this sometimes too.. the whole “no one likes me/ they all hate me/ I’m such a loser/ Can’t do anything right/ mess up all the time” etc etc etc! And when I heard some others say this same sort of thing well it just clicked in my head that a lot of people think like this occasionally about themselves. Well the thing is~ their lies! So don’t believe it… because it can really bring you down in the dumps which is not a nice place to be. So I will tell you what my sister told me not too long ago… just two or three days ago and I had really liked what she said at the time and think People need to hear it more. “GOTTA BURN THOSE LIES.”

I agree 100%! Don’t let those thoughts bring you down, throw them out of your mind. Do something that makes you feel better. And here’s a suggestion, something that I had been doing but haven’t in awhile and will be taking up again is a Blessing journal. Write down something good that happened each day and when you feel down, read it! It makes me feel better especially when you see that over a period of time how many blessings that have occurred in your life 🙂 Here’s some that I have written that are simple but mean alot to me: A guy friend told me I didn’t need makeup (this comment really brightened my day). A lady at my church encouraged me, I really needed to hear something of the sort because I had been feeling depressed and just down~ she told me that I was intelligent after a nice random chat with her. I’ve seen or talked to her since but it was an encouragement on a day I really needed it. Start a blessing journal today… I need to keep mine up, and as I write this it’s a reminder to me.

Percy S.

“Gotta Burn those lies.”