My newest favorite reads: Seth Godin and Derek Sivers


Currently I am reading the popular book by Seth Godin, “Purple Cow.” About 1/3 into it, it of course is fantastic. There are just some books I have read in my life that I feel everyone should read. I’ve read a few of Godin’s books such as, “The Tribe,” and “The Dip.” I finished reading the Dip about a week or so ago and it is a book I have to keep! I’m excited to read it again as crazy as it sounds. It was just that good for a short read! Simple and to the point. I had been kind of in a rut again lately but reading the Dip encouraged me to keep on. It was about when to quit and when to keep going. It held great advice! I recommend it to anyone!

“Anything you want,” By Derek Sivers was terrific! I found it quite encouraging as well as you read through his story of how his business grew and such. The difficulties he ran into and how he kept going. He is one of my brother’s favorite authors and now I share the same, I really enjoyed reading it very much. I told my housemate she needs to read it as well! Right after I finished his book, I decided to send him an e-mail and was surprised to get a response back the next day! It was pretty cool! When I told my brother, he got really excited since it is an author he really admires. 🙂 The way Derek wrote in the e-mail reminded me of how a Newfoundlander would talk so when I looked on his website, he was from New Zealand which was pretty cool! His ultimate goal was to help independent musicians and I liked how he likes to live simply and wasn’t in it for the money. Just be passionate about your dreams and goals. Life will fall into place. It was such a good read! Made me think of why I am passionate about film and what I want to do to help others and such. There’s no point in being stressed but do what you love.

Lately I had been becoming depressed about my life and where I am going etc. I started getting jealous of others’ success… this lasted about 3-5 minutes when I realized I was getting jealous. I like being aware of it so I can shake it off quickly as it came. There is no point in being jealous. Don’t let it engulf you because it will if you let if stay for long, then it’s harder to get rid of. 

So, what I usually like to do when I start feeling this way is to read books that help me get out of this funk. It took a couple of good books such as these ones, as well as Joyce Meyer’s newest book called, “Begin Again.” 

This past year has been the year that I am finally pursuing my dreams since 7th grade. I always thought I “had” to do other things and that this dream was just a dream. Through my OCD and ADD, I am now doing what I love even if it took me years to forget about what other people think of me or thought I should do. It’s been a tough year and things have continued to fall out of place trying its hardest to make me quit but I know Film and theatre are definitely for me. In all my years in School, this past year with the Performance and Communications media Program at MUN I have received all A’s and a high GPA that I am really proud of. Sometimes I thought I just sucked at school but when you find that thing that is yours, pursue it with everything you got! 

Percie S.